Saturday, July 12, 2008

Easy as Pie! Residential Lighting Pie!

When I think of commercial lighting, I think of those fluorescent lights that you see in offices... but in reality, residential lighting goes much further than that. Anytime you see a light or lamp in a non-residential application, that's a commercial light! Those gigantic matrices of lamps that light up the high school football fields on friday nights are commercial. The street lamps that light up the road when you're driving home after dark after commercial. Even those little lights in office parks that light up the planters at night are commercial. So if you need to find any kind of light like that, Access Discounts is the easiest and cheapest place to go... without going anywhere! Sure, you could spend all day going from Lowes to Home Depots all across town, but wouldn't you rather sit at home and order everything you need with a few clicks of the mouse???

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